Christophe Blattmann
3D Artist & 3D Generalist

Master Mind
Master Mind is the classical game from the 70’s, the goal is to guess the secret combination of colors. Press start (the green dodecahedron) a secret combination will be created, then select a color on the bottom and apply it on the activated row, then press the check button (the yellow dodecahedron) and check the hints to the left side: brown means you have a color at the right place, white means you have an existing color but at the wrong place.
There are 3 modes of difficulty: Mode1 (easy), you play only with colors and the hints are placed at the same position than the color it’s refered to. Mode2 (intermediate), you play only with colors and the hints are not placed at the same position then the color it’s refered to. Mode3 (hard), you play with colors and shapes, the left part of the hints is for the shape and the right part of the hints is for the color.
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