Christophe Blattmann
3D Artist & 3D Generalist
Scripts & Videogames by Christophe Blattmann
Universal Customizer 1.0.0
Script for 3dsMax

Purchase through the Autodesk app store
Purchase through Gumroad
Universal Customizer allows you to deform any mesh by using parameters, useful to cutomize easily
repeated objects in your scene. You can configure any mesh your own way, in some way it converts your mesh
into a primitive object, however this script doesn’t change the mesh number of vertices, it only changes
the existing vertices position.
You can create spinner controls, link them to selected groups of vertices and link them to an action type
(Move, Scale, Rotate).
One control can manage multiple groups of vertices at the same time, a vertex can belong to multiple
groups of vertices.
Once an object type is configured its data is stored in an external file (.ucf) and it’s possible to edit it.
An object type is defined by its name (skiping the last copy numbers) and its number of vertices, the script
works with editable_Mesh and editable_Poly objects.
- By purchasing Universal Customizer you will also receive Oblong & Oblong Void Primitives for free.
Publisher privacy Policy
The script doesn't collect any data from the user computer.
Images and videos

Tested with 3dsMax 2016 to 2022
Free downloadable models.
Here are some configured 3d models so you can test the script, you are free to use the 3d models and modificate the script configurations for these models.
The download contains a 3dsMax 2016 file and a .ucf file (it's the file format created by the script).
You need to have a version of the script installed in your 3dsMax (Trial or full version).
Once the script is insalled run it and open the Manager window, then load the test.ucf file, close the Manager window and from the main window load any of the 3d models.
Note: if you load these models with the Trial version of the script you will only be able to use and modificate the controls and the setting according to the Trial restrictions.
Manual installation (MSE file)
To run directly the script:
Main menu > Scripting > Run Script > select UniversalCustomizer1.0.0.mse
To install a button on your tool menu:
The files and UniversalCustomizer1.0.0.mse must be stored in the same folder.
Drag and drop the file in your 3dsMax viewport, then on your main menu
go to Customize > Customize User interface > Category: LivingAutomata > Action: UniversalCutomizer100,
then you can drop the button in your tool bar.
If you are upgrading from trial version to full version just copy the UniversalCustomizer1.0.0.mse file
in the same folder than the UniversalCustomizerTrial1.0.0.mse file, the script will update automatically.
To uninstall the script:
Remove the button from your tool bar, then remove "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\
Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\<ReleaseNumber> - 64bit\ENU\scripts\UniversalCustomizer1.0.0.mse" or any
version, also remove "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\<ReleaseNumber> - 64bit\
ENU\usermacros\LivingAutomata-UniversalCustomizer100.mcr" or any version.
Note: the “AppData” folder is invisible by default, you may need to turn it as visible.
Automatic installation (MSI file)
To install:
Run the .msi file and follow the steps, the script will be installed automatically in your installed 3dsMax, then open 3dsMax, the option 'AppStore' will apear in the main menu, choose 'UniversalCustomizer100' option.
In case the menu is not working properly, go to 'Workplaces' (on the top right of 3dsMax) and press ' Reset To Default State' and restart 3dsMax.
Notice: To install the full version you will need to remove the trial version first.
To uninstall:
Go to the Windows 'Control Panel' and remove as any other application
Download PDF file:
no limits
Move only
Aviable features on Demo version
Save data to external file
Mesh and editable Poly
Max. object type number
Actions type
Max. control number
Max. group number
Oblong & Oblong Void
no limits
no limit
Known issues:
The graphical lines at the moment to configure a group sometimes don't work properly, however this issue doesn't
prevent the good functioning of the script.